Kolla in kollektionen från VERSACE hos Spartoo ▻ auktoriserad återförsäljare ▻ stort Gianni Versace skapade företaget med samma namn 1978 i Milano.


Gianni Versace föddes i Kalabrien 1946 som ett av tre syskon. Hans mor var sömmerska och Gianni intresserade sig tidigt för design och sömnad. 1978 

Explore. •. Art. •. Fashion Design. •.

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Comment. 3,598 views. 1 fave. 0 comments. Taken on January 25, 2017. All rights reserved.

And Hollywood was the Gianni Versace S.r.l. là hãng thời trang cao cấp của Ý, thường được biết đến dưới cái tên ngắn gọn hơn là Versace, được thành lập bởi Gianni Versace vào năm 1978. Se hela listan på astro.com 2020-06-10 · This page was last edited on 10 June 2020, at 18:22.

$1.25 Gianni Versace Monday, February 17, 2014 Vol XCIII, No. 311 The First Show Birth Place The Debut Death Place The First Show Milan, Italy Gianni Versace was born in Reggio Calabria, Italy on December 2, 1946.

The label opened up its first store in Via Spiga, Milan early on in 1978. Gianni Versace net worth and wealth: Gianni Versace was an Italian fashion designer who had He opened the first boutique in Milan's Via della Spiga in 1978.

Gianni versace 1978

Mordet på Gianni Versace Netflix ~ 1992 skapar Versace en oftast kallat bara Versace är ett italienskt modehus grundat 1978 av Gianni 

Gianni versace 1978

Den första Versace butiken öppnade i  Från 1978 byggde Versace företaget med stöd av sin familj och anställde sin syster Donatella som vice vd och hans bror Santo som vd för  Modehuset VERSACE – en värld av lyx och design! Gianni Versace är ett italienskt modemärke som grundades av Gianni Versace 1978. Hans mamma var sömmerska och Gianni Versace hade redan som kollektion och öppnade sin första boutique på Via della Spiga, 1978.

in 1978. Versace's ready-made apparel was an instant success so the designer decided to stay on in Milan and the following year began collaborating with Callaghan, Complice, and Genny. The idea of creating a "Gianni Versace" label was soon in the air and in 1978 the designer presented his first collection under his own name. Gianni Versace, Italian fashion designer known for his daring fashions and glamorous lifestyle. He designed throughout the 1980s and ’90s and built a fashion empire by producing ensembles that oozed sensuality and sexuality. His most famous designs included sophisticated bondage gear and silver-mesh togas.
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Gianni Versace was a talented vulgarian.

In 1978, Gianni Versace had a vision for a new fashion line and opened his first boutique in Milan. By 1997, he had 130 high-end boutiques around the world — and was a global fashion titan worth Gianni Versace S.r.l. (Italian pronunciation: [ˈdʒanni verˈsaːtʃe]), usually referred to simply as Versace, is an Italian luxury fashion company and trade name founded by Gianni Versace in 1978. The main collection of the brand is Versace, which produces upmarket Italian-made ready-to-wear and leather accessories.
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Today, under the leadership of Donatella Versace—just as in the '80s and '90s when the brand was run by her brother Gianni—it is a universal symbol of all that  

Thanks Gianni, With Love was put together by French choreographer Maurice Béjart, for whom Versace designed many stage costumes. In 2009 the Russian Versace fan club was founded. There are 1,500 members (July 2012). The fan club is known for its lectures, excursions, and actions dedicated to Gianni Versace. Gianni Versace SpA, vanligen kallad Versace, är ett italienskt modemärke som grundades av Gianni Versace 1978. Den första Versacebutiken öppnade i Milano i Via della Spiga år 1978 och blev omedelbart oerhört populär. Idag är Versace ett av världens ledande internationella modehus.