Lightouse city: Cologne. A website about the GrowSmarter project is also available in German on the Koeln site, click here.


Play. Über einige der vielen Probleme und Belastungen, die sich für die Betroffenen durch. das EU-geförderte Projekt "grow smarter" ergeben! Similar Stories.

Bei zahlreichen Veranstaltungen stellte sich GrowSmarter auf lokaler, nationaler sowie auf internationaler Ebene vor, in Köln zum Beispiel in Ratsausschüssen, der SmartCity Cologne Konferenz oder dem digitalen Stadtgipfel. Session summary. During the European Week of Regions and Cities, the first three Smart Cities and Communities projects GrowSmarter, Remourban and Triangulum, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, hosted the session "From dream to reality: sharing experiences from leading European Smart Cities" in which more than 150 participants took part. GrowSmarter City of Cologne Evaluation Data On this page the evaluation data of the Horizon 2020 GrowSmarter EU project will be successively provided till end of 2019. Dateien und Quellen Cologne’s GrowSmarter project manager Julia Egenolf told Cities Today: “Mobility is a big issue in our city, we have some of the worst traffic jams in Germany.” It is estimated that 30-40 percent of traffic congestion in Cologne is caused by people looking for a parking space. Stockholm municipality: Årsta - GrowSmarter Renovation of a residential area from the 1960s.

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To improve energy efficiency of existing residential buildings by 70% as part of EU Horizon 2020 GrowSmarter Project, renovation measures were undertaken. This includes building envelope insulation, high efficient windows, staircase lighting, elevator and heating system. Reference framework Barcelona is one of three lighthouse cities that are integrating different solutions for a smart city in energy, infrastructure and transport within the GrowSmarter project. This project, which brings together 3 cities and different industries to integrate and demonstrate the 12 solutions for a city to become intelligent in energy, infrastructure and transport (currently Annual Polis Conference | December 1st, 2016 in Rotterdam I page 1 Cologne’s smart mobility approach in the Horizon 2020 Growsmarter Lighthouse project GrowSmarter brings together cities and industry to integrate and demonstrate ‘12 smart city solutions’ in energy, infrastructure and transport, to provide other cities with valuable insights on how they work in practice and opportunities for replication. GrowSmarter i Slakthusområdet. Slakthusområdet ska inom loppet av några år omvandlas från ett industriområde till en levande stadsdel med lägenheter, restauranger, kontor, skola, förskolor och parker.

… Stockholm is a 'lighthouse city', alongside Cologne and Barcelona, in the European Commission's GrowSmarter project, one of three to receive support in the  The aim of the GrowSmarter project is to seek for innovative solutions for the Smart Barcelona, Cologne and Stockholm will develop a dozen smart solutions   GrowSmarter, RemoUrban and Triangulum projects, co-financed by the H2020 consisted on 3 lighthouse cities (Stockholm, Cologne and Barcelona) and 5  Transport Malta will be following the development of the Solutions related to electromobility in the Lighthouse Cities of Stockholm, Cologne and Barcelona.

Lisa Enarsson from the City of Stockholm, presented the project GrowSmarter where Stockholm together with Cologne and Barcelona, starting in 2015, 

Similar Stories. Investigating 'Improved quality of life' -Assessing social dimensions of GrowSmarter - asmart city project in Stockholm2019Självständigt arbete på avancerad  15 Gothenbur g CELSIUS partners Rotterdam Cologne London Genua THE GROWSMARTER PROJECT 2015-2019 Städer och företag i samarbete för att  energy efficiency project GrowSmarter and its social impact in Årsta,Stockholm. and housing have beenimplemented in Stockholm, Barcelona and Cologne. Been involved in the 6th General Assembly for the EU H2020 project Growsmarter.

Growsmarter cologne

In this project Stockholm, Cologne and Barcelona acted as 'lighthouse cities' within the project, implementing 12 smart city solutions: from advanced information 

Growsmarter cologne

TBWA\ Stockholm. Teknik för att fånga in koldioxid testas i Stockholm Today Ignite Sweden counts 1000 matched meetings  Lightouse city: Cologne A website about the GrowSmarter project is also available in German on the Koeln site, click here.

GrowSmarter shows trend-setting climate protection measures. After the implementation phase and the first results of the evaluation, the City of Cologne is very convinced of the implemented measures in the project area. German city Cologne has also taken up the challenge as one of the three Lighthouse Cities of the GrowSmarter initiative. In common with other Horizon 2020 projects, Cologne has committed itself to 12 solutions in GrowSmarter’s three areas of impact: -Low Energy Districts -Integrated Infastructures -Sustainable Urban Mobility GrowSmarter aims to stimulate city uptake of smart solutions by using the three Lighthouse cities Stockholm (Sweden), Cologne (Germany) and Barcelona (Spain) as a way to showcase 12 Smart City solutions: from advanced information and communication technology and better connected urban mobility, to incorporating renewable energy sources directly into the city’s supply network. Smart building shell refurbishment in Cologne To improve energy efficiency of existing residential buildings by 70% as part of EU Horizon 2020 GrowSmarter Project, renovation measures were undertaken.
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Barcelona, Stockholm and Cologne are the first cities to be selected for the lighthouse projects. HOPPECKE supplies innovative energy storage systems for the modernisation of a residential area in Cologne. GrowSmarter The GrowSmarter initiative unites three lighthouse cities (Stockholm, Cologne and Barcelona) to showcase 12 Smart City solutions. The initiative is funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission. Cork City is currently a ‘follower city’ in a Horizon 2020 Smart Cities and Communities project called GrowSmarter, a €25m initiative (lead cities: Stockholm, Cologne, and Barcelona).

To improve energy efficiency of existing residential buildings by 70% as part of EU Horizon 2020 GrowSmarter Project, renovation measures were undertaken. This includes building envelope insulation, high efficient windows, staircase lighting, elevator and heating system.
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Cologne. Solutions 12 solutions in The partnership process between the Agència de l’Habitatge de Catalunya and Naturgy has enabled the GrowSmarter Project subsidies to be officially compatible with the 2016 Financial Aid for Home and Building Renovation published by the Consorci de …

36 photos · 29 views  Stockholm, Barcelona och Köln har varit demonstrationsstäder och Cork, Graz, Porto, Valetta och Suceava har följt och tagit del av erfarenheter  The idea behind GrowSmarter was to respond to citizen's needs, three demonstration cities alongside Cologne and Barcelona with 12 smart  I am project managing the Horison2020 project GrowSmarter, a project run by Stockholm, Cologne and Barcelona. GrowSmarter brings together cities and  VisaGrowSmarter Stockholm, Barcelona and Cologne are demonstration cities along with the innovative companies specialising in  case study of the energy efficiency project GrowSmarter and its social impact in and housing have beenimplemented in Stockholm, Barcelona and Cologne. Lisa Enarsson from the City of Stockholm, presented the project GrowSmarter where Stockholm together with Cologne and Barcelona, starting in 2015,  During the time of the selection, an EU project called Grow Smarter had just projects in some form, we selected Barcelona and Cologne (Stockholm being  Play. Über einige der vielen Probleme und Belastungen, die sich für die Betroffenen durch. das EU-geförderte Projekt "grow smarter" ergeben!