Kekkei Genkai vid's going on guys Beatbox Blade Slashing in here talking about all things Naruto. Naruto ShippudenNaruto vs S


Kekkei Stories . Refine by tag: kekkei genkai naruto sasuke uchiha sharingan sakura gaara kakashi akatsuki exams fanfiction kekkeigenkai fight leaf temari clan konoha itachi team. 39 Stories. Sort by: …

It is a combination of three different nature transformations. It's possible that these techniques are not genetic, as Ōnoki stated that his master passed the secrets of Dust Release on to him, though it is unknown whether the two share any Kekkei Tōta (血継淘汰 Literally meaning: Bloodline Selection) is an advanced branch of jutsu that is more advanced than the jutsu class of kekkei genkai.1 The only known canon example is Dust Release, a combination of three different nature transformations — earth, wind, and fire. 1 List of Kekkei Tōta 1.1 Dust Release 1.2 Solar Release 1.3 Lunar Release 2 Trivia 3 References Please Kekkei Tota (meaning "Bloodline Selection") is an advanced form of a kekkei genkai. The only known exaple is Particle Style, a combination of three different nature transformation. Kekkei tōta (血継淘汰; ; Literally meaning "a selection of blood inheritance" or "Bloodline Selection"; ) is an advanced and very rare form of a kekkei genkai.

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Kekkei Tōta are basically supposed to be even more unique in that they are special combinations of three nature transformations rather than two. Which is already kind of weird since Kekkei Genkai aren't just combinations of two - considering they also cover other body mutations like Sharingan or Shikotsumyaku - but whatever, it's a special This article contains spoilers about the Manga and Anime Naruto. . . .

The only known example is Dust Release, a combination of three different nature transformations — earth, wind, and fire.

Aug 25, 2015 - Dust Release Particle Style The Kekkei Tota (Bloodline Selection) the Dust Release is also called "Particle Style" and it is an advanced nature .

Página de facebook: https://www.faceboo This article contains spoilers about the Manga and Anime Naruto. .

Kekkei tota

I know this was supposed to be Wood Release but I kind of forgot I needed to talk about Kekkei Genkai. So here's this video lol-----

Kekkei tota

To perform Dust Release, users form a small three-dimensional object (e.g. a cube, a cone, etc.) out of chakra in their hands. The object expands once released by the user and moves astonishingly fast at its target; anything that passes through it (or that is passed through by it) is disintegrated on a molecular level. Dust is a kekkei tōta that merges earth, wind, and fire. Kurotsuchi simply inherited a depreciated form of it, losing the ability to merge wind, staying with earth and fire, which allows her to use lava.

Kekkei Touta (血継淘汰, Blutlinien-Selektion) ist eine spezielle Fähigkeit, die über das Kekkei Genkai hinaus geht. Bis jetzt ist nur ein einziges Kekkei Touta bekannt - das Jinton.
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Dust Release (塵遁, Jinton, Viz: Particle Style) is a combined nature transformation kekkei tōta, an advanced version of kekkei genkai, made up of techniques that mix earth, wind, and fire-based chakra to create pulverising force.

So I'm asking the sub for any/all ideas. Kekkei Mōra (血継網羅 Literally meaning: Bloodline Encompassing) is an advanced branch of jutsu unique to Kaguya Ōtsutsuki and her direct bloodline.
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Kekkei Tota.