Bild - foto av Cirkelmossa (Sanionia uncinata). Gratis användning för skolor etc., Betalad användning 30-60 EUR / foto. Hørby Plantage, Hobro, Danmark.
Sanionia uncinata is a dominant moss species in the maritime Antarctic. Due to its high adaptability to harsh environments, this extremophile plant has been considered a good target for studying the molecular adaptation mechanisms of plants to a variety of environmental stresses.
Data compiled … Sanionia uncinata is one of the most dominant moss species in Antarctica and is mainly distributed over coastal areas [2,3]. Moreover, S. uncinata is distributed across multiple geographic regions 2021-3-24 · Sanionia uncinata. Sanionia uncinata. Blätter Blätter Blattbasis Blattbasis Blattbasis Blattbasis Blattspitzen Zellen der Blattbasis Zellen Blattbasis Zellen der Blattmitte Zellen Blattmitte Blattquerschnitte Stämmchenquerschnitte Stämmchenquerschnitt Stämmchenquerschnitt 2021-1-2 · Sanionia uncinata - Edraianthus serpyllifolius - Salix retusa in the Subadriatic Dinaric alps leg P. Cikovac Opuvani do.jpg 4,320 × 6,480; 10.52 MB Sanionia uncinata 1.jpg 1,550 × 1,000; 401 KB Sanionia uncinata1 resize.jpg 653 × 490; 144 KB Sanionia uncinata is the only North American species of the genus with a perfect peristome and usually curved and horizontal capsules.
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Hørby Plantage, Hobro, Danmark. Ämne.; Stribet krogblad; klobleikmose; klobleikmose; Geplooid sikkelmos Cirkelmossa Sanionia uncinata. RMK Sagadi looduskool Estland, Urmas Kaja foto. Page 25.
Sammetsgräsmossa. Brachytheciastrum velutinum.
Nyckel till arterna i släktet cirkelmossor Sanionia. 1. Stor art med relativt Key to the genus Sanionia. 1. Large species with S. uncinata · cirkelmossa. – Större
Una ning gihulagway ni Leopold Loeske ni adtong 1907. Ang Sanionia uncinata sakop sa kahenera Introduction to Sanionia uncinata: scientific and common names, protected status (red lists, regulations), biological status in France, historical and contemporary. In continuing your browsing of this site, you accept the use of cookies to offer you suitable content and services and realize visits statistics. This is what was formerly called Drepanocladus uncinatus s.
Sanionia uncinata Hedw. (Amblystegiaceae), the main colonizer of the Maritime Antarctic, has effective mechanisms to tolerate this environment. It has been described that the tolerance to
Sanionia uncinata from site 10 was correlated with the highest concentration of Mn. This site was situated within heath vegetation but in a close vicinity of wetland vegetation occupied by birds, mostly those feeding at sea. Sanionia uncinata is a dominant moss species in the maritime Antarctic.
Web Links Sanionia uncinata. Open Interactive Map.
Oct 11, 2010 The length of gametophytes in the moss Sanionia uncinata and concentrations of the elements Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, V and Zn in
species of plant. In more languages.
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Native Introduced Native and Introduced. Sanionia uncinata var.
S. apocarpum. S. crassipilum. S. papillosum.
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Drepanocladus uncinatus (Hedwig) Warnstorf = Sanionia uncinata. Drepanocladus uncinatus var symmetricus (Renauld & Cardot) Grout = Sanionia symmetrica.
uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske, cirkelmossa. Schistidium, blommossor. agassizii Sull. & Lesq. älvblommossa. apocarpum (Hedw.) Bruch stellatum.