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gonimoblast nondiscussion unpraying improof 2021-04-08 Rule 2b. Do not use an apostrophe + s to make a regular noun plural. Incorrect: Apostrophe's are confusing. Correct: Apostrophes are confusing. Incorrect: We've had many happy Christmas's. Correct: We've had many happy Christmases. In special cases, such as when forming a plural of a word that is not normally a noun, some writers add an apostrophe for clarity.
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When we want to show that something belongs to somebody or something, we usually add an apostrophe + s ('s) to a singular noun and an apostrophe (') to a plural noun, for example: the boy's ball (one boy), the boys' ball (two or more boys). Create forms in minutes Send forms to anyone See results in real time Women's clothing, shoes, bags, accessories and beauty. Free returns.
What is a vowel? 3. What is a consonant? Learn more: English Grammar.
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10K likes. Các sản phẩm chăn, drap, gối, đệm handmade. An toàn, thân thiện và gần gũi với mọi lứa tuổi. This Mother’s Day feels different, and her gift should, too.