pension meaning in Hindi with examples: पूर्वसेवार्थ वृत्ति निवृत्ति वेतन बोर्डी click for


Pesticide Meaning in Hindi. There are total 1 hindi meaning and definitions have been listed for the english word 'pesticide'. Its meaning is 'कीटनाशक' which can be transliterated into english as 'kitnashak'.

Second definition is 'घाव' and its transliteration into Latin is translated as 'ghav'. … Use आप aap in all formal situations to show politeness, like when meeting someone for the first time, talking to someone older than you or simply to show respect. तुम tum is most common and is used in most informal situations like when chatting with your friends. a suggestion of/for something suggestions for improvement make/have/offer/put forward a suggestion dismiss/reject/welcome a suggestion a constructive/practical suggestion. SIMILAR WORDS. proposal, recommendation, idea, plan. 2.

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You will see a Dictionary icon on the notification bar to start the app quickly. On sharing text you will find the Hindi Dictionary. This will be helpful to find out the meaning of any word. Features of the Dictionary: • Hindi To English • English To Hindi Paon Meaning in Hindi. Paon meaning in Hindi is टांग. Grow your vocabulary with Urdu to Hindi or Hindi to Urdu dictionary.

Above is hindi meaning of पेंशन.

मराठी Marathi meaning of 'patience'. patience = धीर | dhiirpatience = धैर्य | dhairypatience = संयम | sNympatience = सबुरी 

In 2000, India's Supreme Court dismissed P. N. Oak's petition to declare that a Hindu king built the Taj Mahal. [72] [76] In 2005 a similar petition was dismissed by the Allahabad High Court . This case was brought by Amar Nath Mishra, a social worker and preacher who says that the Taj Mahal was built by the Hindu King Parmal Dev in 1196.

Pesions meaning hindi

New Delhi [India], April 11 (ANI): As Bollywood director Hrishikesh Mukherjee's 'Chupke Chupke' clocked 46 years on Sunday, veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan …

Pesions meaning hindi

a suggestion of/for something suggestions for improvement make/have/offer/put forward a suggestion dismiss/reject/welcome a suggestion a constructive/practical suggestion. SIMILAR WORDS. proposal, recommendation, idea, plan. 2. Hindi meaning of lesion. lesion / noun / घाव; नुकसान; जखम; चोट; क्षति; आघात; भंग; जरब; तोड़; नुक़सान; हानि; Synonym emissio; loss; injury; damage; stroke; fracture; blowhole; waster; losses; … English to Hindi Dictionary: patience Meaning and definitions of patience, translation of patience in Hindi language with similar and opposite words. Spoken pronunciation of patience in English and in Hindi.

pessimist Word forms: pessimists countable noun निराशावादी व्यक्ति mn. I don't consider myself a pessimist. 🙏 Keep SupportLove You All ️#HindiMeaningLyrical#Otilia #Bilionera#HindiTranslation#Spenish + #English #Song 🏻#स्वागत हे #आप #सभी का#हिंदी # Let's Learn about Punctuation in Hindi Grammar.For More Updates, Subscribe to;For Best Nursery Rhymes: Hit & La 2021-02-28 त्‍योहार.
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pessimist Word forms: pessimists countable noun निराशावादी व्यक्ति mn.

pension meaning in Hindi with examples: पूर्वसेवार्थ वृत्ति निवृत्ति वेतन बोर्डी click for त्‍योहार. भारत त्‍यौहार और मेलों का देश है। वस्‍तुत: वर्ष के प्रत्‍येक दिन उत्‍सव मनाया जाता है। पूरे विश्‍व की तुलना में भारत में अधिक त्‍यौहार मनाए Get definition and hindi meaning of Pension in devanagari dictionary. Pension ka hindi arth, matlab kya hai?. Pension (Pension) Meaning In Hindi Pension meaning in Hindi Pension = पेन्शन (Pension) Pensions (Pensions) Meaning In Hindi Pensions meaning in Hindi Pensions = पेंशनों (Pensions) PadDharann (Pension) Meaning In Hindi Pension meaning in Hindi Pension = पदधारण (PadDharann) Get definition, translation and meaning of पेंशन in hindi.
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मराठी Marathi meaning of 'patience'. patience = धीर | dhiirpatience = धैर्य | dhairypatience = संयम | sNympatience = सबुरी 

Peshwa in hindi. Hindi meaning of Peshwa , Peshwa ka matalab hindi me, Peshwa का मतलब (मीनिंग) हिन्दी में Let's Learn about Punctuation in Hindi Grammar.For More Updates, Subscribe to;For Best Nursery Rhymes: Hit & La 🙏 Keep SupportLove You All ️#HindiMeaningLyrical#Otilia #Bilionera#HindiTranslation#Spenish + #English #Song 🏻#स्वागत हे #आप #सभी का#हिंदी # त्‍योहार. भारत त्‍यौहार और मेलों का देश है। वस्‍तुत: वर्ष के प्रत्‍येक दिन उत्‍सव मनाया जाता है। पूरे विश्‍व की तुलना में भारत में अधिक त्‍यौहार मनाए Peon Meaning in Hindi क्या है व Peon का हिंदी में मतलब क्या है? Peon के उच्चारण और अर्थ को जानें। Pesticide meaning in Hindi : Get detailed meaning of Pesticide in Hindi language.This page shows Pesticide meaning in Hindi with Pesticide definition,translation and usage.This page provides translation and definition of Pesticide in Hindi language along with grammar, synonyms and antonyms.Answer of question : what is meaning of Pesticide in Hindi dictionary? Translation for 'lesion' in the free English-Hindi dictionary and many other Hindi translations. Pesticide Meaning in Hindi. There are total 1 hindi meaning and definitions have been listed for the english word 'pesticide'.