Although the Ngly1 gene is expressed ubiquitously in the entire CNS, the effects of Ngly1 deficiency on the CNS are selective, and histological abnormalities were most prominent in the lateral and medial parts of the ventral posterior nucleus (VPM/VPL) and the ventral lateral (VL) nucleus of the thalamus in Ngly1 −/− rats.


The diagnosis of NGLY1-CDDG is established in an individual by the identification of two faulty copies of the NGLY1 gene through genetic testing. Typical blood screening tests for other congenital disorders of glycosylation (i.e., analysis of serum transferrin glycoforms, N and O glycan profiling) will not reliably detect NGLY1-CDDG.

(2017) reported 12 individuals from 10 families with biallelic mutations in the NGLY1 gene. NGLY1. PNGase also known as N-glycanase 1 (EC or peptide-N (4)- (N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminyl)asparagine amidase is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the NGLY1 gene. PNGase is a de- N -glycosylating enzyme that removes N- linked or asparagine -linked glycans ( N- glycans) from glycoproteins.

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Orthologous to human NGLY1 (N-glycanase 1). The NGLY1 gene is associated with autosomal recessive NGLY1-congenital disorder of glycosylation (CDG-Iv) (MedGen UID 815321). 14 Nov 2012 General information. Gene symbol, NGLY1. Gene name, N-glycanase 1. Chromosome, 3. Chromosomal band, p23.

According to a database maintained by, a combination of bi‐allelic pathogenic variants in NGLY1 gene coupled with a suggestive clinical phenotype has been identified so far, 63 individuals worldwide, with a total of 21 individuals described in the literature.


To date, no  26 Jan 2021 In 2012, four-year-old Bertrand Might became the first-ever patient diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called N-glycanase (NGLY1)  Predicted to localize to cytosol and nucleus. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in NGLY1-deficiency.

Ngly1 gene

Gene ID Unique ID sequence Human GeCKOv2 B number A1BG 26193 NGLY1 HGLibB_31837 CATTCAACAGCTCCTCTGAC 26192 NGLY1 

Ngly1 gene

Gene name, N-glycanase 1. Chromosome, 3. Chromosomal band, p23. Imprinted, Unknown. The N-Glycanase enzyme and the corresponding gene, NGLY1, have been characterized for several decades [2], while the first description of NGLY1 deficiency in  Ngly1 deficiency is a genetic disorder of the endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation pathway caused by a deficiency of a cytosolic enzyme N-glycanase   18 Aug 2020 The NGLY1 gene provides instructions for making an enzyme called N- glycanase 1. This enzyme is involved in a process called  NGLY1 deficiency has been studied in model organisms such as yeast, worms, flies and mice.

Specifically, N -glycanase 1 removes glycans from misfolded proteins. PNGase also known as N-glycanase 1 (EC or peptide-N (4)- (N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminyl)asparagine amidase is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the NGLY1 gene. PNGase is a de- N -glycosylating enzyme that removes N- linked or asparagine -linked glycans (N- glycans) from glycoproteins.
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This enzyme is involved in a process called deglycosylation, by which chains of sugar molecules (glycans) are removed from proteins. Specifically, N -glycanase 1 removes glycans from misfolded proteins. PNGase also known as N-glycanase 1 (EC or peptide-N (4)- (N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminyl)asparagine amidase is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the NGLY1 gene.
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Human Gene NGLY1 (uc003cdl.3) Description and Page Index Description: Homo sapiens N-glycanase 1 (NGLY1), transcript variant 1, mRNA. RefSeq Summary (NM_018297): This gene encodes an enzyme that catalyzes hydrolysis of an N(4)-(acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminyl) asparagine residue to N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminylamine and a peptide containing an aspartate residue.

Gene symbol, NGLY1. Gene name, N-glycanase 1. Chromosome, 3. Chromosomal band, p23. Imprinted, Unknown.