Law enforcement officials identified the attacker who injured 11 people on the Ohio State University campus Monday as first-year student Abdul Razak Ali Artan.. Officials at a 4 p.m. press


Ohio State University student Abdul Razak Ali Artan, pictured in a 2016 photo from The Lantern, was identified by the school's newspaper as the suspect in a campus attack, Nov. 28, 2016 in

The IS-affiliated Amaq  Aftonbladet skriver misstänkta heter Abdul Razak Ali Artan Skriver att en misstänkt heter  11 personer skadades har identifierats som Abdul Razak Ali Artan, en somalisk invandrare som beviljats permanent uppehållstillstånd i USA. För tre månader sedan körde Abdul Razak Ali Artan sin Honda Civic rakt in i en folkmassa på Ohio State Universitys skolgård. Sedan hoppade 

FBI special agent in charge Angela Byers said Abdul Razak Ali Artan may have been inspired by al Qaeda-linked cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, Reuters reported  FBI försökte få tillgång till data från iPhone 5s av Abdul Razak Ali Artan, angriparen som utförde en attack på ett campus i Ohio, med sitt fingeravtryck, så att han  Qadoos, Abdul · Qaiyum, Sameer · Qanas Qureshi, Saood Iman · Qureshi, Waqas Ali Razak, Muliati · Raza, kudshiya Rogova, Artan · Rogov, Viktor Vasil'  BBC och flera medier uppger att attentatsmannen hette Abdul Razak Ali Artan och var en flykting från Somalia. Han kom till USA 2014 efter att  1090, Abdelhussain Ali Mohammad, 2. 1091, Abdelhussein, 6 1093, Abdel-Ilah Abdel-Razak, 6 Abdullahi Ali, 29. 2383, Abdullahi Artan, 4.

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Abdul Razak Ali Artan, a student at the university, injured 11 people with his car and a butcher knife on Monday. 28 Nov 2016 Officials identified the suspect as Abdul Razak Ali Artan, who was listed in the student directory as a logistics-management major at the  28 Nov 2016 Here's what we know about Abdul Razak Ali Artan, the man suspected of injuring 11 people in an attack on Ohio State's campus Monday  Abdul Razak Ali Artan (1998 – November 28, 2016) was a Muslim Somali refugee and legal permanent resident of the United States who had been a logistics  28 Nov 2016 Abdul Razak Ali Artan was born in Somalia and was a legal permanent U.S. resident, according to a U.S. official  Abdul Razak Ali Artan. రజాక్‌ మా వాడే: ఐసిస్‌ · ఆ దారుణం చేసింది నిజానికి నైస్‌ గై.. కానీ! Load More.

Their Actions.

Abdul Razak Ali Artan, the Somali-born Ohio State University student who was killed Monday after he plowed his car into pedestrians and stabbed people, reportedly spent time in Dallas in 2014 as

A Somali immigrant to the United States, 18-year-old Abdul Razak Ali Artan, took his car and plowed down students and staff at OSU, who were evacuating facilities after a fire alarm went off Monday morning. NBC News: Suspect in Ohio State attack is Abdul Razak Ali Artan multiple law enforcement sources tell Pete Williams and @anblanx — Tom Winter (@Tom_Winter) November 28, 2016 There are conflicting reports about his age, with news outlets saying he is anywhere from 18 to 20 years old. Abdul Razak Ali Artan, his mother and six siblings got help from Catholic Charities after they arrived in Dallas on June 5, 2014, KXAS-TV (NBC5) reported.

Abdul razak ali artan

Abdul Razak Ali Artan was an 18-year-old Somali refugee, suspected domestic terrorist, and alleged ISIS sympathizer. On the morning of November 28, 2016, Artan drove his car into a crowd of people on a sidewalk at the Ohio State University (OSU)—where he was a student—and then proceeded to stab and slash victims with a butcher knife.

Abdul razak ali artan

Mohamoud som förnamn hittades 406 gånger i 22 olika länder. Statistik och betydelse av namnet Abdi. Användning: 36% förnamn, 64% efternamn. Abdi som förnamn hittades 4116 gånger i 42 olika länder. Efternamnet Abdi  Nov 29, 2016 · Ohio State University attacker Abdul Razak Ali Artan, an 18-year-old Somali-born Muslim who came to the United States as a  Nov 29, 2016 · Ohio State University attacker Abdul Razak Ali Artan, an 18-year-old Somali-born Muslim who came to the United States as a 'refugee' from  Abdul Mohammad Jan Mohammad. 051293955 Mohammad Ali Raza Syed Zaidi Waqas Ali. 041813603. Blåbärsvägen 18.

He was a legal permanent resident from Somalia, according to NBC  Vidéo Qui était Abdul Razak Ali Artan, l'auteur de l'attaque survenue sur un campus de l'Ohio ? Publié le 30/11/2016 14:34 Mis à jour le 30/11/2016 16:02. 29 Nov 2016 Robin Wright on the knife attack at Ohio State University, on Monday, by Abdul Razak Ali Artan, which has been now been claimed by ISIS.
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Alsterdal Smith, Ali, Höst, H (Inköp) Nilsson Thore, Maria, Alla Tre- Inne på förskolan Ärtan, Bilderbok (Inköp) Smith, Ali, Bibliotek, H (Inköp) Gurnah, Abdulrazak, Paradiset, H (Inköp). Under kvällen gick myndigheterna ut med förövarens identitet – 18-åriga studenten Abdul Razak Ali Artan. Enligt ABC News beskrivs attacken  Abdul Razak, IK Sirius · Abdul Sannoh Ali Mohammadian, FC Trollhättan · Ali Youssef, BK Häcken Ernst "Sudden, Ärtan" Wahlberg, Djurgårdens IF. Abdirazak Mohamed, FC Europa J, 1, 0, 0, 0.

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Nov 29, 2016 · Ohio State University attacker Abdul Razak Ali Artan, an 18-year-old Somali-born Muslim who came to the United States as a 'refugee' from 

Breitbart News has put together a list of ten unanswered questions about Artan, the Somali refugee who on Monday attacked eleven people on the campus of Ohio State University, first with a car and then with a knife, before he was shot and 18-year-old Somali man was behind an attack involving a car and butcher knife on the campus of Ohio State University Screen Shot of Abdul Razak Ali Artan: YouTube. SOMALI REFUGEE STRIKES TERROR AT OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY. A Somali immigrant to the United States, 18-year-old Abdul Razak Ali Artan, took his car and plowed down students and staff at OSU, who were evacuating facilities after a fire alarm went off Monday morning.