EU HS (se Kombinerade Nomenklaturen nedan) sägs vara en bas i CPC, men den senare har lägre.


National Tariff. 16 March 2021. National Tariff. Angola · Argentina (Mercosur) International Standards for Customs in one place: HS, Origin & Valuation.

Det gör det möjligt att koppla ihop bestämmelser om exempelvis antidumpning, licens och suspension av tull med den kombinerade nomenklaturen. Med utgångspunkt i Taric har Tullverket tagit fram Tulltaxan. Det är ett nationellt tullsystem som varje natt uppdateras med uppgifter från Taric. TARIC CODE | Integrated Tariff of the European Communities Simple Tool for searching Taric Code of and Taxation the European Union. Browse: HS SubHeading 2 digits E.g. 1806 10 - Cocoa powder, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter CN SubHeading 2 digits E.g. 1806 10 15 - Containing no sucrose or containing less than 5% by weight of sucrose (including invert sugar expressed as sucrose) or isoglucose expressed as sucrose TARIC Sub Heading 2 digits E.g. 1806 10 15 00 Like the HTS code, the TARIC code builds upon the universal HS code by further specifying the product code.

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Det gör det möjligt att koppla ihop bestämmelser om exempelvis antidumpning, licens och suspension av tull med den kombinerade nomenklaturen. Med utgångspunkt i Taric har Tullverket tagit fram Tulltaxan. Det är ett nationellt tullsystem som varje natt uppdateras med uppgifter från Taric. The first six digits refer to the classification in the WCO Harmonized System (HS). This classification is further subdivided by the European Union into the eight-digit Combined Nomenclature (CN) codes. For import declarations, these codes are subdivided further into ten-digit Taric codes. {{metaDataInfoCtrl.metaData.desription}} Gå till huvudsida.

Det är ett nationellt  XXI AVDELNING XXI - Konstverk, föremål för samlingar samt antikviteter (kap. 97 - 99). You must have JavaScript enabled to use Arctic TARIFF application.

i: live animals; animal products: ii: vegetable products: iii: animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible fats; animal or vegetable waxes:

HS Code {{ CNFormat(hsCode) }}. combined nomenclature self-explanatory texts legal notes CN explanatory notes PRODCOM  HS tariff codes - learn what it is and how to use it when importing goods to UK. How to pay less for goods in foreign currencies. Clearance and Exporting Procedures Codes Guide · Civil Aviation · Agriculture Calander · Search in Tariffs · Discounted Goods · Tariff Standard Specifications  What's an HS tariff code?

Hs taric

The first six digits refer to the classification in the WCO Harmonized System (HS). This classification is further subdivided by the European Union into the eight-digit Combined Nomenclature (CN) codes. For import declarations, these codes are subdivided further into ten-digit Taric codes.

Hs taric

EU-tjänsten innehåller bl.a. varukoder, tilläggstullar, förmånstullar, antidumpningsåtgärder och kvoter. Länken öppnas i ett nytt fönster  Brukstariff (Tullens Handbok II) grundar sig på europeiska gemensamma tulltaxa Taric, som är en databas som upprätthålls av kommissionen. Brukstariffens  Varor som inte kan klassificeras med ledning av ovanstående, skall klassificeras enligt det HS-nummer som är tilllämpligt för närmast liknande vara.

We also use HS Code, Customs Tariff Number, Taric guide - European Database Find all customs tariff numbers and harmonized codes from the European external trade statistics in German, English and French from 2009 until today. A Taric code or Taric number is a code to classify goods and must be used in the customs to declare goods and calculate duties as well as for statistical declarations. A taric code is a 10 digit code as illustrated on the picture below. The first 6 digits build upon the HS or the internationl Harmonised System that specify the concrete product. Please importantly note that eight digits HS Codes presented within FindHS.Codes search results are based on European Union Customs Tariff Nomenclature. Therefore, when an 8 digits HS Code is shown as a result of your search, you need to take the first 6 digits of that HS Code into consideration if the country of interest is not a part of European Union Customs Territory. The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) publishes and maintains the HTS and provides technical information on its structure and modification.
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TARIC CODE | Integrated Tariff of the European Communities Simple Tool for searching Taric Code of and Taxation the European Union.

Moms og afgifter), hvis den anvendte dato er før {pastDate}} HTS Search supports the following functionality: Contains Any: Enter one or more words separated by a single space.; Contains All: Enter one or more words, each within double quotes and separated by a single space i.e "Tennis" "shoes"; Contains Phrase: Enter one or more words separated by a single space in double quotes i.e "Live bovine animals". The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, also known as the Harmonized System (HS) of tariff nomenclature is an internationally standardized system of names and numbers to classify traded products.
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Taric-databasen. 3. Medlemsstaterna ska Fält 15 HS-nummer. HS-numret är en tullkod som tilldelas varorna i. Harmoniserade systemet.

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