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. . are just bad. We look at all the state mottos, putting a spotlight on the best, grudgingly accepting the middle, and mocking the worst. Maine: Dirigo (Latin for “I direct”) MOTTO (som sedan sin start i 1985 har haft en ledande plats inom kort- och presentartikelbranschen) är i dag den ende distributören av TOPModel konceptet i Sverige, Danmark, Finland, Ukraine och Ryssland. Motto je slovná fráza opisujúca motiváciu alebo zámer sociologických skupín alebo organizácií. Motto môže byť heslo, citát alebo iné slovné spojenie.

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sa. 15 Jun 2020 Siemens Mobility today unveiled its new vision and motto, which provides the leading transportation company with a clear and common  Non nobis solum – Not for Ourselves Alone. The school motto was introduced in 1912 and is derived from Cicero's essay 'On Duties', in which he states, "We are  19 Ago 2017 Datos principales, fecha y lugar de constitución, dirección y oficina registradas, estado actualizado de Motto Investments LTD, Islas Caimán.

Motto – cytat poprzedzający treść utworu, umieszczony tam celowo przez autora, aby wywołać na odbiorcy określone skutki zgodne z zamysłem autora. Istotą motta jest, aby miało ono nie tylko jednorazowy wpływ na odbiorcę podczas zapoznania się z tym mottem, ale także towarzyszyło ono odbiorcy w myślach podczas całego czasu trwania kontaktu z dziełem.

A motto is a short phrase that is intended to capture the essence of the beliefs and purpose of a government, group, company or individual. The scouting movement's famous motto Be Prepared is a classic and effective example, as is the New Hampshire state motto … Motto synonym, annat ord för motto, Vad betyder ordet, förklaring, varianter, böjning, uttal av motto mottot motton mottona (substantiv).

I sa motto

2 days ago

I sa motto

Choose a motto that motivates you to take action. You’ll also want to consider how you can make it easy to remember your motto throughout the day — where you can write it, when you’ll say it out loud, and whether you’ll use a smartphone app to remind you of it. Honi soit qui mal y pense (UK: / ˌ ɒ n i ˌ s w ɑː k iː ˌ m æ l iː ˈ p ɒ̃ s /, US: /-ˌ m ɑː l-/, French: [ɔni swa ki mal i pɑ̃s]) is a Middle French maxim, meaning "shamed be whoever thinks bad of it", usually translated as "shame on anyone who thinks evil of it" and used as the motto of the British chivalric Order of the Garter.

You’ll also want to consider how you can make it easy to remember your motto throughout the day — where you can write it, when you’ll say it out loud, and whether you’ll use a smartphone app to remind you of it. Honi soit qui mal y pense (UK: / ˌ ɒ n i ˌ s w ɑː k iː ˌ m æ l iː ˈ p ɒ̃ s /, US: /-ˌ m ɑː l-/, French: [ɔni swa ki mal i pɑ̃s]) is a Middle French maxim, meaning "shamed be whoever thinks bad of it", usually translated as "shame on anyone who thinks evil of it" and used as the motto of the British chivalric Order of the Garter. En synonym (av grekiska: syn = samman och onoma = namn) är ett ord som har samma betydelse som ett annat ord.
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Ordet i så motto används oftast mitt i en mening och uttalas precis som det låter. Det kan även användas i mer formella sammanhang.

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English mottos. Be as true to each other as this dial is to the sun. Begone about Thy business. Come along and grow old with me; the best is yet to be. Hours fly, Flowers die. New days, New ways, Pass by. Love stays. Hours fly, Flowers bloom and die. Old days, Old ways pass. Love stays. I only tell of sunny hours. I count only sunny hours.

Synonymer till. motto. Här nedanför hittar du samtliga sju synonymer till motto.